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  • DNA Tests


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    BrightKids DNA Test


    Scientifically proven to identify over 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 16 talents, aptitudes and health traits relating to the child’s development.


    解讀超過50種單核苷酸多態性,用DNA科學去了解孩子的16項天賦和健康特質。 BrightKids DNA 基因測試能夠分析小朋友16種不同天賦特質,幫助家長為仔女發掘專長。認清個人天賦,幫助家長更了解子女,令孩子生活健康、愉快,並能培育一個快樂嘅童年!

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    SkinGlow DNA Test


    Scientifically proven to identify over 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms and your skin’s genetic potential in seven key areas. SkinGlow DNA test takes the guesswork out of caring for your skin.


    解讀超過25種單核苷酸多態性,識別七大皮膚潛在的健康問題,用DNA科學揭示七大肌膚特性,並為個人設定護膚新基準。 SkinGlow DNA測試可以在肌膚問題出現之前找到原因,為你提供可靠凖確的分析報告,制定更為精準有效的護膚方案,提前預防衰老,打造健康的肌膚狀態。

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    MotherhoodDiet DNA Test


    The DNA test you need for healthy motherhood. Design a diet plan for different stages of motherhood with the help of your DNA. Scientifically proven to identify over 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 6 major dietary concerns.



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    HomeDNA Paternity Test


    Definitive test for the biological parents of a child


  • In The News


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    now新聞台 5/10/2015

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    Economic Digest 經濟一週 26/10/2018

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    Ming Pao 明報 5/11/2018

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    Hong Kong Means Business 


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    Apply Daily 蘋果日報 22/9/2018

  • BrightKids DNA Test

    Scientifically proven to identify over 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 16 talents, aptitudes and health traits relating to the child’s development.


    BrightKids DNA 基因測試能夠分析小朋友16種不同天賦特質,幫助家長為仔女發掘專長,亦可根據檢測結果去制定合適的學習計劃,不用枉作「繁忙兒童」。認清個人天賦,幫助家長更了解子女,令孩子生活健康、愉快,並能培育一個快樂嘅童年!

    Traits include:

    Social skills, Language ability, Reading ability, Stress handling, Music talent, Memory power, Cognitive ability, Physical power, Physical endurance, Attention capability, Anxiety handling, Optimistic mind, Myopia risk, Lactose intolerant, IQ benefits from breast milk and Obesity risk




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    A scientifically proven way to look at 16 talents, aptitudes and health traits of a child


    BrightKids DNA is the scientific solution to parents, which helps them to identify a child’s aptitude and susceptibility to common childhood health problems. Parents can utilize the DNA results and design a learning plan specific to their children and enable them to live up to their full potential.



    BrightKids DNA測試助家長發掘子女 16 種天賦特質,包括在音樂、語言、閱讀、運動、記憶力和認知能力等天賦,幫助家長為子女發掘專長。



    Parents know that the period of child development can be stressful. BrightKids DNA Test identifies DNA markers that are related to a child’s development. The DNA information provides knowledge of a child’s health that deserves special attention. You will be able to maximize the health and care of your child.


    從此不用再「估估吓」,不用再逐樣試,不用擔心埋沒小朋友的潛能與天賦!父母可以根據 BrightKids DNA 的檢測結果來培育孩子,制定合適的學習計劃,做到真正的因材施教,將孩子嘅潛能全面發揮。子女不用再做「繁忙兒童」,家長亦無須要做「虎爸虎媽」。



  • SkinGlow DNA Test

    Scientifically proven to identify over 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms and your skin’s genetic potential in seven key areas.


    解讀超過25種單核苷酸多態性,識別七大皮膚潛在的健康問題,用 DNA 科學揭示七大肌膚特性,並為個人設定護膚新基準。
    SkinGlow DNA測試可以在肌膚問題出現之前找到原因,為你提供可靠凖確的分析報告,制定更為精準有效的護膚方案,提前預防衰老,打造健康的肌膚狀態。

    Tests include:

    Collagen Quality, Skin Elasticity, Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Sun Protection, Pigmentation, Skin Antioxidants, and Skin Sensitivity.




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    Take the guesswork out of caring for your skin!


    SkinGlow DNA test is a science-based DNA test that identifies your skin’s genetic potential in seven key areas: Collagen Quality, Skin Elasticity, Fine Lines & Wrinkles, Sun Protection, Pigmentation, Skin Antioxidants, and Skin Sensitivity.


    SkinGlow DNA 測試識別七大皮膚潛在的健康問題,解讀七大肌膚特性,並為個人設定護膚準則。現在你可以知道你的皮膚的 DNA 特質,並針對性地選用護膚產品及美容治療。不用再猜測哪種美容方案最適合自己。



    There are lots of skin-care products out there, but not all of them are suitable for you. Because your skin is unique, a cream or treatment that works well for someone else might not be the right one for you. It’s important to understand exactly how your skin responds to environmental factors such as sun exposure, and which specific skin-care ingredients are best suited to your skin profile.


    美容同護膚產品都採用大規模生產方式,未有考慮到每個人皮膚嘅獨特性。未有DNA檢測之前,並沒有科學化的參考標準去選擇合適自己的護膚產品。想護膚、美容產品發揮最佳效果、可以透過 SkinGlow DNA 測試,搵出皮膚潛在健康問題,更準確選用針對性嘅護膚產品同美容治療。



  • MotherhoodDiet DNA Test

    The DNA test you need for healthy motherhood. Design a diet plan for different stages of motherhood with the help of your DNA. Scientifically proven to identify over 25 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 6 major dietary concerns.


    MotherhoodDiet DNA focuses on the specific dietary needs of the mother during pregnancy and after delivery for the well-being of both mother and baby.




    MotherhoodDiet DNA針對母親在懷孕期間和產後坐月的六大個人獨特飲食營養需要,用DNA去分析我們的身體如何代謝食物中的營養素,提供資訊去制定合適自己身體的飲食計劃,以促進產前及產後坐月的健康。



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    Design a diet plan for different stages of motherhood with the help of your DNA


    MotherhoodDiet DNA provides important information to promote healthy pregnancy and wellbeing after delivery by identifying the dietary need specific for you. The test reveals personalized dietary and nutritional needs by analyzing subtle DNA differences in your body to help develop a suitable dietary plan for healthy pregnancy and wellbeing after delivery.


    懷孕期間及產後坐月的飲食對母親和新生兒極為重要,你與別人微細的DNA差異可能增加你對特定營養素的需求。Motherhood Diet DNA 測試通過分析這些微細的DNA差異,針對你的營養素需求,提供個人化的飲食和營養建議,幫助制定合適你的產前及產後坐月飲食計劃。



    Most women will test for common genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome, thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, when they are pregnant or preparing to. These tests are done mainly to ensure a healthy baby but not necessarily a healthy pregnancy. MotherhoodDiet DNA focuses on the specific dietary needs of the mother during pregnancy and after delivery for the wellbeing of both mother and baby.

    大多數女性在懷孕或準備懷孕時會檢測常見的遺傳性疾病,如唐氏綜合症,地中海貧血和鐮狀細胞性貧血。 這些測試主要是為了確保健康的寶寶,但不是確保健康的懷孕或產後護理。 MotherhoodDiet DNA針對母親在懷孕期間和產後坐月的個人獨特飲食營養需要,用DNA去分析我們的身體如何代謝食物中的營養素,提供資訊去制定合適自己身體的飲食計劃,以促進產前及產後坐月的健康。


  • HomeDNA Paternity Test


    Definitive test for the biological parents of a child


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    We all inherit our DNA from our biological parents — half from our mother and half from our father. A DNA paternity test compares a child’s DNA pattern with that of the assumed parents to determine if there is a match.


    When performed in an experienced, accredited laboratory, it’s the most definitive proof of a biological relationship — 100% accuracy guaranteed.






  • How it works


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    The sample collection of all DNA tests can be done at home rather than by us, only little saliva is needed.

    • Order on Ambio website
    • A DNA kit will send to your home
    • Provide a saliva sample with the DNA kit
    • Send back your saliva sample to us
    • Your DNA will be sequenced in our state-of-the-art sequencing lab
    • An encrypted PDF report will be sent to your email when the result is ready

    If you have any inquiries before or after the purchase, feel free to contact our genetic counselor.


    • 直接在 Ambio 網站訂購
    • DNA測試套件直接發送到你的家中
    • 用DNA測試套件收集樣本
    • 寄回唾液樣本
    • 於我們的化驗室進行DNA測序比對
    • 化驗完成後,報告將以加密的PDF發送到你的電子郵件
