BrightKids DNA Test

BrightKids DNA Test

Scientifically proven to identify over 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms and 16 talents, aptitudes and health traits relating to the child’s development.


BrightKids DNA 基因測試能夠分析小朋友16種不同天賦特質,幫助家長為仔女發掘專長,亦可根據檢測結果去制定合適的學習計劃,不用枉作「繁忙兒童」。認清個人天賦,幫助家長更了解子女,令孩子生活健康、愉快,並能培育一個快樂嘅童年!
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Scientifically proven to identify 16 talents, aptitudes and health traits relating to the child’s development. Traits include: 
Social skills, Language ability, Reading ability, Stress handling, Music talent, Memory power, Cognitive ability, Physical power, Physical endurance, Attention capability, Anxiety handling, Optimistic mind, Myopia risk, Lactose intolerant, IQ benefits from breast milk and Obesity risk.
Research shows that children who are gifted often need the substantial support of other people in their lives in order to develop their talents and fully achieve their potential. However, parents who have young kids are having difficulties in identifying their child’s talent and they often wonder if their kids will develop health problems affecting their learning.
有研究顯示,有天賦嘅小朋友往往需要家人同老師在生活上提供大量的支援,方可培養才能,發揮潛能。BrightKids DNA測試助家長發掘子女 16 種天賦特質,包括在音樂、語言、閱讀、運動、記憶力和認知能力等天賦,幫助家長為子女發掘專長。
BrightKids DNA is the scientific solution to parents, which helps them to identify a child’s aptitude and susceptibility to common childhood health problems. Parents can utilize the DNA results and design a learning plan specific to their children and enable them to live up to their full potential.
從此不用再「估估吓」,不用再逐樣試,不用擔心埋沒小朋友的潛能與天賦!父母可以根據 BrightKids DNA 的檢測結果來培育孩子,制定合適的學習計劃,做到真正的因材施教,將孩子嘅潛能全面發揮。子女不用再做「繁忙兒童」,家長亦無須要做「虎爸虎媽」。
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"現今嘅學童一上小學就開始全日制嘅學習生涯,忙功課忙默書測驗評估小考大考,仲有各項興趣班、課外活動填滿日程。如果能夠搵出孩子們嘅性格特質,除可幫爸媽為小朋友制定合適嘅學習計劃,仲可以從密麻麻嘅學習時間表中抽返多少少時間比佢哋自由遊戲,放空、休息。而基因天賦測試係其一中個途徑可以讓家長更認識自己嘅孩子,因材施教。" 陳倩揚 Skye Chan
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"Ever wonder what it would be like to know what your child's special talents could be or their aptitude's or health traits? Now you can with a simple saliva DNA test." Cara G.